Epidemiology – Exploring the Prevalence of Androgenetic Alopecia across Different Ethnicities and Regions of the World

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA), commonly known as pattern hair loss, is a prevalent condition affecting both men and women worldwide. Characterized by a progressive reduction in hair density, AGA has significant psychological and social impacts. This article aims to discuss the epidemiology of AGA, highlighting the variations in prevalence across different ethnic backgrounds and genders.

Background on Epidemiology and Hair Loss Patterns: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) stands as the most prevalent form of hair loss globally. It is influenced by genetic predisposition and probably environmental and lifestyle factors to a lesser extent. Hormonal factors, particularly androgens, are the driving force behind development of hair loss. The initiation of AGA in males is closely linked to increased levels of androgens (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) during puberty and how they interact with the genetic predisposition of the individual. The causes of AGA in females are more varied and less clearly defined; estrogens (as antagonists to androgen activity) and progesterones can also influence the development and progression of AGA, and there may be a bigger role for the environment to play in female hair loss.

Pattern hair loss presents in two distinctive patterns: male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and female pattern hair loss (FPHL). In MPHL, the early signs include recession of the hairline at the front and sides, which progresses to thinning at the crown until potentially leading to complete baldness on the top of the head. Conversely, FPHL is characterized by widespread thinning over the central scalp while the hairline at the front remains intact. There some subtle variations in the specifics of the two main patterns and how they progress when looking at different ethnicities, but overall these two patterns can be seen worldwide. Notably, some men can have FPHL, while some women can be affected by MPHL.

Summary of Epidemiology Data for Caucasian/White Males and Females (USA, UK, Norway, Italy, Australia): In Caucasian/White populations, AGA is notably prevalent. From Hamilton and Norwood’s original studies through to more recent investigations, the published data overall indicates that 50-80% of Caucasian men and 19-40% of Caucasian women experience some degree of AGA. The percentages vary depending on the publications, what thresholds for hair density they used to determine hair loss, and how they arranged their age groups for data analysis.

The prevalence in Caucasian men increases with age, roughly following a ‘decade rule’ where approximately 30% of men in their thirties and 40% in their forties are affected, escalating to 80% affected in those men aged 80 and above.

In contrast, the frequency of AGA in Caucasian women is lower, approximately half the rate seen in men and usually the hair loss is a relatively limited diffuse alopecia. The prevalence of hair loss in women exhibits a progressive rise with age similar to men. One UK study seems to suggest there is a jump in prevalence in women over 50 years of age, though the authors believed it was not due to menopause. Overall, 6% of women aged under 50 years were diagnosed as having some degree of female pattern hair loss, increasing to 38% in subjects aged 70 years and over.

These basic tenets of hair loss prevalence seem to hold true across Europe and also for Caucasian people in the USA, albeit with small variations between the countries and age groups in different publications. So far I have not been able to find a decent large scale study that looks at African-American and/or Hispanic/Latino people, but it is generally believed by dermatologists that the prevalence rates of AGA are around a third lower than seen in Caucasian/White people.

Epidemiology in Asian Populations (China, Korea, Japan, Singapore): The prevalence of AGA among Asian populations differs significantly from that of Caucasians. In China, the overall prevalence of pattern hair loss is consistently lower across several published studies; roughly half the rate that is seen in Caucasian/White people. In one large scale study, In the male demographic, the total frequency of AGA stood at 21.3%, breaking down as follows: 2.8% among those aged 18-29 years, 13.3% within the 30-39 year age group, 21.4% for ages 40-49, 31.9% in the 50-59 year bracket, 36.2% among those 60-69 years old, and 41.4% for individuals aged 70 and above. The predominant pattern of hair loss observed was in the frontal and vertex regions. Additionally, a few men (3.7%) exhibited a Ludwig hair loss pattern, typically seen in women. In the female cohort, AGA’s overall occurrence was 6.0%, with specific age-related prevalence of: 1.3% in the 18-29 year age group, 2.3% for those aged 30-39 years, 5.4% in the 40-49 year range, 7.5% for women aged 50-59, 10.3% in the 60-69 age group, and 11.8% for those over 70. The most frequently encountered form of hair loss among women was Ludwig grade I.

Several larger scale studies have been published from South Korea in recent years. Among Korean men, the overall rate of AGA (classified as Norwood III or higher) was observed at 14.1% across all age groups. This rate increases with age but remains below Caucasian levels: starting at 2.3% in the 20s, rising to 4.0% in the 30s, 10.8% in the 40s, 24.5% in the 50s, 34.3% in the 60s, and reaching 46.9% in individuals over 70 years old. The most prevalent pattern was Type III vertex thinning from the 20s through the 60s, while Type VI became more common post-70. Additionally, alopecia patterns typically associated with female hair loss were found in 11.1% of the men. For Korean women, the incidence of AGA (Ludwig I or higher) was 5.6% across age groups. Similar to men, this percentage also rose with age: beginning at 0.2% in the 20s, increasing to 2.3% in the 30s, 3.8% in the 40s, 7.4% in the 50s, 11.7% in the 60s, and 24.7% for those over 70. Up to the age of 60, Grade I was the predominant type; after 60, Grades I and II were found with similar frequency. No instances of Grade III (complete baldness) were reported. A history of baldness in the family was noted in 48.5% of men and 45.2% of women with AGA.

Surprisingly, there are only a few relatively dated and small scale studies on the prevalence of AGA in Japan. Overall, the publications suggest that AGA in Japanese men begins later in life as compared to Caucasians, and that the prevalence is lower, but creeps up with age to prevalence levels that are higher than those seen in China and Korea. According to one study, for Japanese men age 18-29 the rate of AGA is 3.5%, age 30-39 the prevalence rate is 12.4%, while men age 40-49 have a rate of 32%. 50-59 is 44.1%, 60-69 at 50.9%, and 70+ is 60.7%.

Singapore presents a unique case with a high androgenetic alopecia prevalence rate of 63% in the male population, which also increases with age. Racial differences within the Singaporean population indicate a higher prevalence among Indians compared to Chinese residents. This might explain the apparently higher prevalence of pattern hair loss in Singapore.

Epidemiology in Other Regions (India, Turkey, South Africa): In Turkey, the prevalence of AGA in a dermatology clinic setting was found to be 67.1% in men and 23.9% in women, with a direct correlation between age and severity of AGA. Indian studies reflect a similar trend, with 58% of the male population aged between 30 and 50 years experiencing AGA. The severity of hair loss in India also increases with age. 12.9% of the male population age 30 and 50 had Norwood grades IV to VI, while 44.1% had grades I to III.

Very little information is available for Africa. However, as part of a larger study on different types of hair loss in South Africa, one publication indicates that the prevalence of AGA is 14.6% in African men and 3.5% in African women, which is much lower than reported in Caucasians. There are no studies on American Indian, Inuit, Polynesian, or Aboriginal peoples, but the rates of AGA are believed to be very low – lower than observed in Asia and possibly non-existent in some groups.

Differences in AGA Epidemiology: While Caucasians have the highest prevalence of androgenetic alopecia, Asian populations exhibit lower rates, though still significant. Environmental factors, lifestyle, and diet may also play roles in the development of hair loss, but their contributions are less well understood and documented. Overall, the frequency differences between ethnicities, and the persistence of these differences through multiple generations of people, suggests genetic predisposition in populations is most important in determining pattern hair loss susceptibility.

Concluding Remarks: AGA is a common condition with a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and possibly environmental factors. Its epidemiology varies significantly across different ethnic groups suggesting that genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in its manifestation. Understanding these epidemiological trends are important for developing targeted treatments as well as support mechanisms for those affected by AGA. Despite its high prevalence, the impact of AGA is not merely cosmetic, but can significantly affect individuals’ psychological and social well-being, underscoring the need for increased awareness and research into its causes and treatments.


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